
It always seems like you have no need to seek the professional help, when nothing hurts. And what about the inner pain – the one a lot of people got used to and don’t see it as a pathology? “Well, everyone is surviving somehow…” Do you recognize these thoughts?

  • Healing with Prayers
  • Soul Magic and Health
  • The Most Effective Rituals
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Many of you know what the diseases of the body are, because everybody seeks a medical assistance from time to time. However, there is far less information about the illnesses of the soul. As a fact, only a few people know that the soul needs healing too.

During your life, you find yourself in different situations. Some of them challenge your physical and mind powers. Solving the existing problems and just trying to survive, you mostly feel stressed and lose your energy. In strong cases, this could lead to the apathy and even to the depression. If you don’t pay enough attention to the signs of alarm, the negative energy brings your body systems to failure. This is how sicknesses and diseases appear…


When Do We Need Soul Healing


Every day you read disturbing news and deal with people, that have unkind and even hostile intentions in general. You’re experiencing too much of unpleasant feelings like anger, irritation, grievance, envy, fear, pain, regret and despair. Evil external impact and your own negative emotions break through the aura, destroy the biofield. That is affecting the destiny and turn every next step into nothing but accidents and problems.

The worst part is that you are not the only one to suffer. Your close ones, your pets are in danger too. Especially the last ones who sense the negativity the most and take on a part of the owner’s karma. Many of them, dogs and cats especially, can’t take the excess of the energy. That’s why they suffer badly, get sick and perish a lot. Is there a way out of this sad situation?


Healing with Prayers

In times of crisis, people ask God for help, seeking for some support and protection, visiting temples, performing different rites. When it’s not possible to find joy and happiness in the world of people, God is their only hope. It’s in His powers to avert the misery, give hope and heal the soul.


There are many prayers, and all of them work now and then. But there are also special prayer appeals, that are powerful and energetically intense. I’ve been collecting prayers like this all my life, and a lot of them was given to me by the angels and the other beings from the subtle worlds. With the help of a prayer, you can stop the disease, get rid of the enemies, repel the attacks of evil spirits, be cured of the severe depression and protect yourself and your closest ones from death. Extraordinary miracles were happening in my clients’ lives with those prayers!

I will choose the proper prayer exclusively for you with the guidance of my invisible helpers, and you will feel the changes in your mind and your destiny soon.

Remember, only God Himself is able to heal, and I am just a lowly guide, that connecting a person with the higher powers due to her energy and abilities. The healing happens through this unseen bridge between us…

Soul Magic and Health

The strong and experienced magician could profoundly help in soul healing. People ask for my help and protection a lot, and I work on their problems, always solving them in the best possible way. I usually affect on people and situations at a distance, using my gift of prophecy and magic practices. In the work of body and soul healing I use: the powers of the Moon and the planets, the four elements of the nature, different shades of the color spectrum, my connections with the beings of the astral and the special ancient symbols - the cross, the image of the Sun, the icons of the saints, natural stones and curative herbs.

I recommend not to perform the rituals of magic without special knowledge and experience, it can cause the opposite impact. Sure, nowadays it’s easy to find everything on the web – spells for every occasion, magic rituals and practices, etc. But it might become a danger in the hands of the regular person.


Only the experienced magician knows how to help but do no harm. The most important is that before starting soul healing practices I “scan” the person’s past and present, look through its aura, feel its biofield. Only after this, I start to use the techniques that are needed.
The human’s soul is healed only because of the magic from the higher powers. I am just a guide between two worlds, willing to help people to be a bit happier…

The Most Effective Rituals

In my work, I also use ancient rituals and spiritual practices, that were used by magicians since the world began. For each client works a specific technique. It all depends on a situation.

At the same time, nearly everyone needs the energy cleansing for mind’s channels, clogged with mental and astral waste. Because of the chakra occlusion the life tonus gets lower, the diseases and failures start to arise. Sometimes the energy cleansing effects so powerfully that the person’s life rapidly changes for better. But I strongly advise not to stay satisfied with this, since you have to fill your biofield with some new information and vital strength, reconnect with the Almighty and readjust your destiny.

I do heal pets too. They mostly suffer together with their owners, saving them from the disease or trouble. It’s always much more effective to be cured together!


When the soul is healed, the body feels better too. Sickness and depression leave, the interest in life and joy appear, new goals and aims occur. The revitalized source of love awakes inside you, and your life would immediately respond to these changes, generously bestowing you with good fortune, money inflows, meeting with incredible people and other blessings.
You won’t need a curse or an evil eye removal, a dry spell breaking, - the life will provide it by herself. When you transform yourself from the inside, the world around you do just the same!

Eva Mur, Master of white and black magic

I am excited to welcome you to the world of magic and sorcery! I will be very pleased to meet you; text or call me!

I have the gift of sorcery and magic given to me by the Universe. A miracle will happen right after our conversation - you will find joy and happiness again; love and success will come back to you!

My reputation is very important to me, I respect the confidentiality, so the names of my clients are carefully guarded.

Sincerely yours, Eva Mur.

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Pittsburgh, USA

I started to communicate with Eva by the recommendation of the woman I know. I felt like someone hostile was invading to my life. I couldn’t get any decent sleep or meal. But the outer life was pretty good I have to say. At least, it felt like it. Just to answer the questions that can be asked: no, I didn’t have any psychological disorders, no doctor ever confirmed one. But I was chased be the sticky feeling of terror, like someone was always by my side. Someone bad. I was desperate. I reached out for Eva’s help, as I was recommended to. Eva watched my situation through. She told me I was stuck with some kind of the creature from the lower world (I don’t remember the name now). This creature sucked all of my tranquility out of me, that’s why I always felt uncomfortable. Eva helped me to get rid of this being, restored my calmness with some sort of white magic spell. After that, she proposed me to create a voodoo protection. And, you know, it’s been like a half a year, and I never felt myself more protected in my entire life! One day a neighbor found some needles under my front door rug. I didn’t even know about it! I didn’t feel any negative on me! That’s how good this voodoo spell defends me! So I am really grateful to Eva, and I can myself recommend this protection because I felt it all on me!


Manchester, United Kingdom

Dear Eva! You are my miracle and my savior! If it wasn’t about your rituals, the only way for my company would be the bankruptcy. But you was able to help me, to gave me the hope for success, to attract some new investors. And after all I’ve been through, I make profits again! By the way, I never had a clue it would be the voodoo magic that help me so much. I was always aware of it. It was you who convinced me to trust it, and showed me, how great and effective it was. One more time, thank you so much for the help and the enlightenment on all the questions! Wish you the very best, Eva Mur!


Bat-Yam, Israel

Hello, everyone. I’d like to share my story with you. My relationship with Eva started probably the common way. I had a problem that couldn’t get a solution, and it’s Eva who became my last citadel of hope. You see, it was my husband… He left me and our little baby with no money at all in the foreign country we just moved in. He left for another woman… It’s long and it’s complicated to describe how I felt at the time. I really thought my life was over, that Seryozha left forever. And “good” friend of mine told me he was noticed with this woman in a pub! I couldn’t believe he found the replacement for me and our son so soon, especially for the baby, we both wanted and waited for… But I am truly grateful to this period in my life for setting me up with Eva. I told her about everything, except for a home-wrecker, but she surprised me immediately! She found out the reason, and told me that this woman, she put a love spell on my husband! This woman! It was really hard, I gave Eva all my savings, but the result was beyond expectations! Sergey came back to me! At first, it was all great, he apologized deeply, tried to make it up to us, treated us really good, took our son for walks, gave him baths… But I felt like something was missing in our relationship. So I came to Eva again. I wanted him to stay forever and I wanted all of his love to be only for us. So Eva offered me to use a voodoo love ritual. I was scared at first, cause I thought, “It’s one thing to use white magic (as we did first thing), and another – to do something with a doll”. I shared my concerns with her. She helped me to calm down and assured me that everything I used to hear about voodoo is mostly myths, and explained that voodoo is like the strongest magic, and she (Eva) could perform all the right rituals to get the result and avoid anyone to get hurt. Well, I had my doubts like for a week, and I am really thankful to Eva that she didn’t push me to make a decision! So she has performed the ritual, and the same night I felt that Sergey is fully devoted to us, to me and our son. I feel finally safe in this relationship since, and my husband loves us more than ever, the passion is back, and all of it is happening thanks to Eva! I just can’t stop thanking you, my dearest Eva Mur! I recommend everyone to get Eva’s help!